FailoverCluster: Creating Cluster - The parameter is incorrect

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01-Failover-Cluster 2019.png


If you want to create a Failover Cluster 2019 with the GUI or with PowerShell the error The paramter is incorrect occurs (see the picture or the PowerShell error).

New-Cluster -name $ClusterName -Node $ClusterNodes -StaticAddress $ClusterIP -IgnoreNetwork $CluserIgnoredNetwork -NoStorage
The clustered role was not successfully created. For more information view the report file below.
Report file location: C:\Windows\cluster\Reports\Create Cluster Wizard Cluster01 on 2020.09.07 At 09.37.25.htm
New-Cluster : An error occurred while performing the operation.
    An error occurred while creating the cluster 'Cluster01'.
    An error occurred creating cluster 'Cluster01'.
    The parameter is incorrect
At line:1 char:1
+ New-Cluster -name $ClusterName -Node $ClusterNodes -StaticAddress $Cl ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [New-Cluster], ClusterCmdletException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidParameter,Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.NewClusterCommand


The problem is you can't create a Failover Cluster 2019 on a Windows Server 2016.


  • Create the Failover Cluster 2019 on a Windows Server 2019.