Windows Telemetry

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Version vom 2. Juni 2020, 10:20 Uhr von Admin (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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With the function Disable-TelemetryOnWin10 in the PowerShell module on Github you can disable Windows 10 Telemetry Services and Tasks.

Description of the services and Tasks

SmartScreenSpecific: collects data for Microsoft SmartScreen
ProgramDataUpdater: collects program telemetry information if opted-in to the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)
Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser: ollects program telemetry information if opted-in to the CEIP
AitAgent: aggregates and uploads application telemetry information if opted-in to the CEIP
Proxy: collects and uploads Software Quality Management (SQM) data if opted-in to the CEIP
Consolidator: collects and sends usage data to Microsoft (if the user has consented to participate in the CEIP)
KernelCeipTask (Kernel Customer Experience Improvement Program): collects additional information related to customer experience and sends it to Microsoft (if the user consented to participate in the Windows CEIP)
BthSQM (Bluetooth Customer Experience Improvement Program): collects Bluetooth-related statistics and information about your machine and sends it to Microsoft (if you have consented to participate in the Windows CEIP). The information received is used to help improve the reliability, stability, and overall functionality of Bluetooth in Windows.
DiskDiagnosticDataCollector (Windows Disk Diagnostic reports): collects general disk and system information and sends it to Microsoft (if the user users participates in the CEIP)
WinSAT: measures system performance and capabilities
GatherNetworkInfo: collects network information
FamilySafetyMonitor: initializes family safety monitoring and enforcement
FamilySafetyRefresh: synchronizes the latest settings with the family safety website
SQM data sender: sends SQM data to Microsoft
OfficeTelemetryAgentFallBack: initiates the background task for the Office Telemetry Agent that scans and uploads usage and error information for Office solutions
OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn: initiates the Office Telemetry Agent that scans and uploads usage and error information for Office solutions when a user logs on to the computer