Inputs: HEC JSON-Format

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Version vom 13. Mai 2020, 08:46 Uhr von Admin (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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PowerShell to create a JSON-Object and send to Splunk

#Create a PowerShell-Object and convert it to the JSON-Format
$Body = [PSCustomObject]@{
	host = $HVNode.ToUpper()
	event = @{
		<YourFieldName> = <YourValue>
		<YourFieldName> = <YourPowerShell-Command>
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
#Splunk Variables
$SplunkPort = 8088
$SplunkHeader = @{Authorization = "Splunk <Splunk_HEC-Token>"}
$SplunkURL = "http://<Splunk-URL>:$SplunkPort/services/collector/event"
#Send the created JSON to the Splunk HEC Input
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $SplunkURL -Method Post -Body $Body -Headers $SplunkHeader -UseBasicParsing

Splunk props.conf
