WSUS: PowerShell

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Get Windows Update ID/GUID

Function Get-WSUSUpdateInfo {
    param (
        [String]$WSUSServer = "localhost",
        [Int32]$PortNumber = 8530,
        [Boolean]$useSecureConnection = $False,
        [String]$KB = ""
    Process {
        $WSUS = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer($WSUSServer,$False,$PortNumber)
        #Get all updates
        $updates = $WSUS.GetUpdates()
        If ($KB) {
            $UpdateSearched = ($Updates | ? {$_.Title -match $KB})
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Id = $UpdateSearched.Id.UpdateId.ToString()
                Title = $UpdateSearched.Title
                Source = $UpdateSearched.UpdateSource.ToString()
        } Else {
            #List every update and output some basic info about it
            ForEach ($update in $updates) {
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Id = $update.Id.UpdateId.ToString()
                    Title = $update.Title
                    Source = $update.UpdateSource.ToString()

Remove Windows Update from WSUS

Error: Cannot Delete RevisionID: XXXX Because it is still deployed to a Non DSS Target Group

Wsus ps error.png


  • Change the Approval-Status to "Not Approved"

Wsus ps solution.png