Script: Get-FileLockProcess
Aus Wiki-WebPerfect
Version vom 10. November 2017, 22:54 Uhr von Admin (Diskussion | Beiträge)
<# .SYNOPSIS Check which process is locking a file .DESCRIPTION On Windows, Get-FileLockProcess takes a path to a file and returns a System.Collections.Generic.List of System.Diagnostic.Process objects (one or more processes could have a lock on a specific file, which is why a List is used). On Linux, this function returns a PSCustomObject with similar properties. .PARAMETER FilePath This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a full path to a file. .EXAMPLE # On Windows... PS C:\Users\username> Get-FileLockProcess -FilePath "C:\Users\Username\Downloads\call_activity_2017_Nov.xlsx" Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName ------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- ----------- 1074 51 50056 86984 5.86 2856 2 EXCEL .EXAMPLE # On Linux/MacOS PS /home/pdadmin/Downloads> Get-FileLockProcess -FilePath "/home/pdadmin/Downloads/test.txt" COMMAND : bash PID : 244585 USER : pdadmin FD : 3w TYPE : REG DEVICE : 253,2 SIZE/OFF : 0 NODE : 100798534 NAME : /home/pdadmin/Downloads/test.txt #> function Get-FileLockProcess { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$FilePath ) ##### BEGIN Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep ##### if (! $(Test-Path $FilePath)) { Write-Error "The path $FilePath was not found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } ##### END Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep ##### ##### BEGIN Main Body ##### if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") { $CurrentlyLoadedAssemblies = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() $AssembiesFullInfo = $CurrentlyLoadedAssemblies | Where-Object { $_.GetName().Name -eq "Microsoft.CSharp" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "mscorlib" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System.Collections" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System.Core" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System.IO" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System.Linq" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System.Runtime" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System.Runtime.Extensions" -or $_.GetName().Name -eq "System.Runtime.InteropServices" } $AssembiesFullInfo = $AssembiesFullInfo | Where-Object {$_.IsDynamic -eq $False} $ReferencedAssemblies = $AssembiesFullInfo.FullName | Sort-Object | Get-Unique $usingStatementsAsString = @" using Microsoft.CSharp; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime; using System; using System.Diagnostics; "@ $TypeDefinition = @" $usingStatementsAsString namespace MyCore.Utils { static public class FileLockUtil { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS { public int dwProcessId; public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ProcessStartTime; } const int RmRebootReasonNone = 0; const int CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME = 255; const int CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME = 63; enum RM_APP_TYPE { RmUnknownApp = 0, RmMainWindow = 1, RmOtherWindow = 2, RmService = 3, RmExplorer = 4, RmConsole = 5, RmCritical = 1000 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] struct RM_PROCESS_INFO { public RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS Process; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME + 1)] public string strAppName; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME + 1)] public string strServiceShortName; public RM_APP_TYPE ApplicationType; public uint AppStatus; public uint TSSessionId; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public bool bRestartable; } [DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] static extern int RmRegisterResources(uint pSessionHandle, UInt32 nFiles, string[] rgsFilenames, UInt32 nApplications, [In] RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS[] rgApplications, UInt32 nServices, string[] rgsServiceNames); [DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern int RmStartSession(out uint pSessionHandle, int dwSessionFlags, string strSessionKey); [DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll")] static extern int RmEndSession(uint pSessionHandle); [DllImport("rstrtmgr.dll")] static extern int RmGetList(uint dwSessionHandle, out uint pnProcInfoNeeded, ref uint pnProcInfo, [In, Out] RM_PROCESS_INFO[] rgAffectedApps, ref uint lpdwRebootReasons); /// <summary> /// Find out what process(es) have a lock on the specified file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Path of the file.</param> /// <returns>Processes locking the file</returns> /// <remarks>See also: /// /// (no copyright in code at time of viewing) /// /// </remarks> static public List<Process> WhoIsLocking(string path) { uint handle; string key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); List<Process> processes = new List<Process>(); int res = RmStartSession(out handle, 0, key); if (res != 0) throw new Exception("Could not begin restart session. Unable to determine file locker."); try { const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234; uint pnProcInfoNeeded = 0, pnProcInfo = 0, lpdwRebootReasons = RmRebootReasonNone; string[] resources = new string[] { path }; // Just checking on one resource. res = RmRegisterResources(handle, (uint)resources.Length, resources, 0, null, 0, null); if (res != 0) throw new Exception("Could not register resource."); //Note: there's a race condition here -- the first call to RmGetList() returns // the total number of process. However, when we call RmGetList() again to get // the actual processes this number may have increased. res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, null, ref lpdwRebootReasons); if (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { // Create an array to store the process results RM_PROCESS_INFO[] processInfo = new RM_PROCESS_INFO[pnProcInfoNeeded]; pnProcInfo = pnProcInfoNeeded; // Get the list res = RmGetList(handle, out pnProcInfoNeeded, ref pnProcInfo, processInfo, ref lpdwRebootReasons); if (res == 0) { processes = new List<Process>((int)pnProcInfo); // Enumerate all of the results and add them to the // list to be returned for (int i = 0; i < pnProcInfo; i++) { try { processes.Add(Process.GetProcessById(processInfo[i].Process.dwProcessId)); } // catch the error -- in case the process is no longer running catch (ArgumentException) { } } } else throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource."); } else if (res != 0) throw new Exception("Could not list processes locking resource. Failed to get size of result."); } finally { RmEndSession(handle); } return processes; } } } "@ $CheckMyCoreUtilsDownloadIdLoaded = $CurrentlyLoadedAssemblies | Where-Object {$_.ExportedTypes -like "MyCore.Utils.FileLockUtil*"} if ($CheckMyCoreUtilsDownloadIdLoaded -eq $null) { Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $ReferencedAssemblies -TypeDefinition $TypeDefinition } else { Write-Verbose "The Namespace MyCore.Utils Class FileLockUtil is already loaded and available!" } $Result = [MyCore.Utils.FileLockUtil]::WhoIsLocking($FilePath) } if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -ne $null -and $PSVersionTable.Platform -ne "Win32NT") { $lsofOutput = lsof $FilePath function Parse-lsofStrings ($lsofOutput, $Index) { $($lsofOutput[$Index] -split " " | foreach { if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) { $_ } }).Trim() } $lsofOutputHeaders = Parse-lsofStrings -lsofOutput $lsofOutput -Index 0 $lsofOutputValues = Parse-lsofStrings -lsofOutput $lsofOutput -Index 1 $Result = [pscustomobject]@{} for ($i=0; $i -lt $lsofOutputHeaders.Count; $i++) { $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $lsofOutputHeaders[$i] -Value $lsofOutputValues[$i] } } $Result ##### END Main Body ##### }
- PowerShell Core compatible