Grafana: Top N values

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Top N values single

Telegraf configuration

Because there is no Perfmon-Counter for the total size of Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV), I wrote a PowerShell CMDLET.

   commands = ['''powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command "Get-Volume | Where-Object {$_.FileSystem -eq 'CSVFS'} | select FileSystemLabel, AllocationUnitSize, Size, SizeRemaining, @{N='SizeUsed';E={$_.Size - $_.SizeRemaining}} | ConvertTo-Json"''']
   name_override = "cluster_csv"
   data_format = "json"
   data_type = "float"
   tag_keys = ["FileSystemLabel"] 

Measurement = cluster_csv
Tags = FileSystemLabel

InfluxQL in Grafana

Size = Total size of the CSV
SizeUsed = Used size of the CSV
FileSystemLabel = Is the name of the CSV


SELECT top("UsedSpace (%)","FileSystemLabel",5) AS "UsedSpace (%)" FROM (
  SELECT (100 / mean("Size")) * mean("SizeUsed") AS "UsedSpace (%)"
  FROM "$rp"."cluster_csv" 
  WHERE $timeFilter 
  GROUP BY "FileSystemLabel"

Description of the Query:
$rp: is a Grafana template variable to select InfluxDB retention policy. If you use this in as a template variable you can change the retention policy for the whole dashboard (you don't have to change each panel). First Query: Grafana selects and calculates the percentage of used space per CSV in the timerange of the dashboard.
Second Query: Grafana selects the top 5 CSV's based on the value of "UsedSpace (%)" per "FileSystemLabel" (CSV-Name).
Conclusion: With this query you have a table of the 5 most used space per CSV's.

Grafana Panel settings:
Visualization = Table
Transform = Organize fields = Hiding "Time" and renaming FileSystemLabel to CSV Overrides = Fields with name = "UsedSpace (%)" -> Unit = "Percent (0-100)", Decimals = 1, Cell Display mode = "Gradient gauge"

SELECT top("Average","host",$top) AS "Average" FROM (

 SELECT sum("Average") AS "Average" FROM (
   SELECT ((100 / (mean("Current_Bandwidth") / 8)) * (mean("Bytes_Sent_persec") + mean("Bytes_Received_persec"))) AS "Average"
   FROM "$rp"."win_net" 
   WHERE $timeFilter AND "host" =~ $hostfilter AND "instance" !~ /^Hyper-V.+/
   GROUP BY "host", "instance"
 ) GROUP BY "host"
